Some Mistakes in Doing Fitness

Mistakes are often made people in doing fitness. Usually this mistakes can lead to the boredom in practice , even to the fatal injury. Besid...

Mistakes are often made people in doing fitness. Usually this mistakes can lead to the boredom in practice , even to the fatal injury. Besides know the tips in doing fitness, you must know some mistakes in doing fitness.

Well , for those who begin to love fitness , try to learn some of the mistakes of fitness as below , so that you can avoid it.

Forgetting Heating . Not a few people forget warming while in the gym . Though it can be fatal . Forcing stiff muscles for immediate lifting heavy loads can create injury . The most fatal is able to tear your muscles . Warm up for 5-10 minutes so that your blood circulation smoothly and the muscles in your body is ready for more strenuous activity .

Burden Too Heavy . When starting an exercise , do not be tempted to show off to lift heavy loads . Your muscles need adjustment . Start with small loads so that your muscles get flexibility. Increase the weight of your ability at each level of exercise . When to start adding to the burden ? According to Denny , when your body is getting used to lift weights you lift usual .

In a hurry. Stomach six packs , big muscles and weight loss can not happen in just one week . Live alone exercise program that you currently have . Do not stick to the target time . The most important thing is your consistency in practice .

Exercise Every Day . As with any machine , your body also needs time to rest . Do not force to practice every day . Give one to two days a week for the rest . When practicing , your muscle structure tampered with loads that you lift . At rest , your muscles begin to develop and improve themselves back .


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